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Make sure you do not take your prednisone on This response is why most organs are removed after a transplant. Prednisone lowers immune activity buy prednisone wallmart a patient. When you take prednisone, your bodyвs immune system responds to infection by attacking the infected part of the body. You are therefore protecting yourselves from infection. It is generally more successful if you take prednisone before surgery or if you take it with your next meal, because prednisone will help lessen the risk of infection.

However, your doctor will evaluate you for risks associated with taking prednisone and will decide whether the increased risk outweighs the benefits. Your doctor will use an evaluation checklist to decide if an increased risk outweighs the benefits of avoiding prednisone. What should I avoid when taking prednisone. Although prednisone may help reduce disease, prednisone can also be a source of problems.

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