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The side effects of prednisone are serious, and it is important to tell your healthcare provider about any side effects before starting prednisone pills. They can include: Increased fever. Less appetite, prednisone 1 where is it legal to purchase prednisone for sale or vomiting Increased blood pressure Dizziness or lightheadedness Weaknesses in your muscles Anemia Skin cancer Dry mouth Vaginal and breast tenderness How can I stop prednisone. You will need to stop using prednisone after taking it, and you can't take prednisone again until you reach the full 10 times the recommended daily dose.

In order to prevent or mitigate any side effects, do not use prednisone when your kidney is at least 2 years old, is transplanted, or the transplant has been completed. Prednisone can cause serious health problems or death. Call your doctor right away if you suspect where is it legal to purchase prednisone following: Your heart rate is higher than normal, especially if you have any health conditions, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure.

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